A Band-aid box redesign specifically targeted towards children for it’s playful imaginative freedom
Package Design
Adobe Illustrator
The Process
Starting with the sketching process was crucial to my design process and ideation. Starting in a sketchbook gave me the ability to reiterate quickly and build upon more successful ideas before I went to the computer.
When designing I was thinking dimensionally and wanted the design to feel cohesive and complete across all of the surfaces. The main information about the variety pack is placed across two surfaces the same two surfaces that the band-aid characters bleed on too. This is for user interaction and to guide the eye to necessary information.
I printed, folded, and built all three Band-Aid boxes to check margin, type size, leading, icon size and color. I wanted each box to feel like a part of a series with potential to grow.
The Final Design
The final Design includes a Dog, Bird, and Dinosaur mascot that appeal to kids and adults alike and stand out on the shelf. The design printed on the band-aids relates to the mascot and the cool toned yet bright colors communicate interest and trust.